å Etusivu

The stratified air distribution improves indoor air and effectively removes aerosol particles from room air, e.g. in care rooms


Preliminary research results just published by Aalto University, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, VTT and the University of Helsinki show that aerosol particles carrying the coronavirus can last longer in room air than previously thought. Aerosol particles escape from the airways when coughing, sneezing or even talking. 

With Stravent’s stratified ventilation technology, pollutants are not retained in the room air for a long time, as the technology can be used to create a permanent layering of air in the room. In case of stratified ventilation, air is blown at a high speed towards the wall, from where it flows along the wall down to the occupied area. In this way, an air mattress is formed on the floor, which is then directed upwards as a thermal flow due to the heat. 

In practice, this means that there is always fresh air in the occupied area, while all air pollutants are directed to the top of the room and thus to the exhaust ventilation. The stratified ventilation has been extensively studied in Sweden, e.g. in Gävle University.

The stratified ventilation significantly improves the quality of the room air

Read more about stratified ventilation and research on it here https://stravent.fi/säästä-energiaa-EU-tavoitteiden-mukaisesti and here https://stravent.fi/kerrostava_toimistot.pdf

Ota yhteys, niin asiantuntijamme kertovat tarkemmin tuotteidemme tutkimustuloksista ja teknisistä ominaisuuksista!


Lisasta on nyt saatavilla kaksi täysin uutta tehotyyppiä: 33 ja 44. Nämä uutuudet täydentävät Lisan jo valmiiksi monipuolista tuoteperhettä, tehden siitä entistä paremman valinnan kaikkiin lämmitystarpeisiin.


Vaivaako kosteus? Uhkaako jäätyminen? Hallitsemattomalla kosteudella voi olla suuri vaikutus tuotteiden laatuun, energiankulutukseen sekä kokonaisvaltaiseen liiketoimintaan.


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(09) 4241 3630
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