Biddle air curtains for the Urban Environment House
Skanska is building the Urban Environment House in Helsinki’s Kalasatama, which brings together under one roof the services of the City of Helsinki’s urban environment industry. This project required high-quality and functional air curtains that are also energy-efficient. Stravent will supply Biddle SR air curtains and Biddle IndAC2 air curtains starting from the end of 2019.

Conceptual drawing: Arkkitehtitoimisto Lahdelma & Mahlamäki
The value of the contract is 82.8 million Euro. The user of the building is Helsinki’s city environment industry and its gross area is approximately 40,000 square metres. The Urban Environment House has seven aboveground floors and one underground floor.
The building was designed by the Lahdelma & Mahlamäki architectural firm. Ramboll is responsible for the structural, HVAC, fire technical and sprinkler design as well as for the geotechnical engineering of the Urban Environment House.
The Urban Environment House construction project will be implemented as a project management contract, which will include construction works and building services. Construction began in February 2018 and the building will be completed in the summer of 2020.
The City of Helsinki wants the Urban Environment House to reflect Helsinki’s ambitious environmental efficiency and work environment goals. High targets have been set for the project.
In terms of energy efficiency, the project follows the level of nearly zero-energy construction, i.e. a significant part of the building’s energy need is covered by renewable energy produced in the building or near the building. Most of the roof covering of the Urban Environment House is covered with a green roof and solar panels, the electricity generated by which is utilised, for example, for lighting the building.
As the future user contingent of the Urban Environment House is significant, the high-quality, functional and energy-efficient air curtain units were selected for the project. Stravent will deliver 8 Biddle SR air curtains and 3 Biddle IndAC2 air curtains for the project in late 2019.
Biddle air curtain units respond quickly to changes by comparing the outdoor and indoor temperatures as well as the blowing temperature. The control of the air curtain intensity is based on the outdoor temperature, and the heating is adjusted according to the indoor temperature. This means it is not heated in vain, but only when needed. This improves the energy efficiency of the system, and the adjustment and control are always made in time, regardless of the conditions.
Ota yhteys, niin asiantuntijamme kertovat tarkemmin tuotteidemme tutkimustuloksista ja teknisistä ominaisuuksista!
Lisasta on nyt saatavilla kaksi täysin uutta tehotyyppiä: 33 ja 44. Nämä uutuudet täydentävät Lisan jo valmiiksi monipuolista tuoteperhettä, tehden siitä entistä paremman valinnan kaikkiin lämmitystarpeisiin.
Vaivaako kosteus? Uhkaako jäätyminen? Hallitsemattomalla kosteudella voi olla suuri vaikutus tuotteiden laatuun, energiankulutukseen sekä kokonaisvaltaiseen liiketoimintaan.
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